PTV Flix is a streaming service created by PTV (Pakistan Television Corporation), founded in 1964, PTV has created some of the most memorable shows in Pakistan from Studio Ponai Teen, Aank wala Jin, Alpha Bravo Charlie to name a few few that have entertained different generations.
The initial customer response was that the product is
<aside> ⛔ Lackluster in appeal
<aside> ⛔ Processes were confusing
<aside> ⛔ The application felt outdated / incomplete
For the application redesign the first and for most important step was to create the interaction architecture to simplify processes to enhance user experience. The main emphasis was on subtracting steps of the process to on-board a user as quickly as possible
Simplified breakdown of the interface
Leaning on PTV’s legacy content users can view portions of content for free, with the idea being to recapture older audiences while also engaging with younger audiences who didn’t grow up watching PTV content
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